Hang |
All of the animal’s weight is supported by wire of walls (i.e., animal is grasping wire with hands and feet), or the animal is hanging beneath the climbing bars. |
Walk |
Moving through space at a calm, steady pace on horizontal surface (may be on ground, plank, or platform). If walking occurs with play face, then it is considered play. Includes walking with food. Includes bipedal walking as a means of travel from one point to another. |
Climb |
Individual is ascending from one point to another in normal location (e.g., onto a platform, from top of cage, to side of cage, etc.). If this occurs with play face, then it is considered play. Includes climbing with food. |
Brachiate |
Animal uses arms to swing from one location to another. If this occurs with play face, then it is considered play. Includes brachiating with food. |