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. 2023 Mar 2;20(5):4484. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20054484

Table 1.

Description of studies performed on a telemedicine service.

Study Type Aim Disease Telemedicine System Population Duration
Morris C., Scott E., Mars M., 2022 [23] Retrospective Auditing the informal use of instant messaging for dermatology by:
  • Assessing the nature and content of the information sent to dermatologists.

  • Determining the referring doctors’ interactions and satisfaction with their use of instant messaging.

Dermatology Telecounselling Service Users
Medical Specialist
Referring doctors
4 years and 3 months
Biscak T.M. et al., 2013 [24] Retrospective To assess the use of the teledermatology service, including the characteristics of clinicians using the service and their perceptions of it. Dermatology Telecounselling Consultations
Referring doctors
1 year
Miller B.J. et al., 2020 [25] Retrospective Evaluate a telemedicine system that provides a real-time videoconference teledermatology clinic to enable patients in rural and remote Queensland to access a specialist for dermatology care. Dermatology Telecounselling Consultations 2 years
McWilliams T. et al., 2016 [26]. Retrospective To conduct a retrospective audit of avoided transfers and bed days as a result of the use of the paediatric Burns Telehealth Service and to estimate their cost savings in 2012/13. Pediatric burn Telecounselling
Caregivers of patients 8 years
Biggs K. et al., 2010 [27] Retrospective Evaluate an “Email a Clinician” link on a medically reviewed sexual health website which allows general practitioners to communicate remotely with sexual health clinic specialists. Sexual Health Telecounselling General
Health care
1 year
NG L., Narayanan N., Diamond D., Pitigala N.,
2022 [28]
N.A. To identify service user demographic and clinical characteristics of an acute mental health service in South Auckland during the first New Zealand coronavirus. Psychiatry Telecounselling Service Users 1 Month
Harvey R. et al.,
1998 [29]
Retrospective To audit and evaluate the introduction of a novel support service for younger people with dementia, their families, and the professionals caring for them. Neurology Telecounselling Service Users 2 year
Handschu et al., 2014 [30] N.A. The implementation and certification of a single quality management system for stroke care in all participating hospitals of the network, including stroke centers and local hospitals. Neurology (Stroke) Telecounselling Consulting PhysiciansPhysicians in local hospitals
4 years
Haydon H.M. et al.
2021 [31]
N.A. Investigate the growth and reach of Geri-Connect: a service established in 2017 to support people living in residential aged care facilities in regional Victoria, Australia. Geriatry Telecounselling Telemonitoring Clinicians 3 years
Kennedy C. et al., 2006 [32] N.A. To audit a web-based telemedicine service in ophthalmology. Ophthalmology Telecounselling Service Users 1 year
Patel A. et al., 2020 [33] N.A. Assess the efficacy of the telephone service offered by the Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (London) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ophthalmology Telecounselling Consultations
Service Users
O’Day et al., 2016 [34] Prospectivee Comparing two five-month prospective audits of a teleophthalmology service (Lions Outback Vision) in rural Western Australia. Ophthalmology Telecounselling Consultations 2 years
Bartnik et al., 2018 [35] Retrospective Audit the lion’s outback vision and provide practical insights for others looking to embed a telemedicine program as part of delivering outreach clinical services. Ophthalmology Telecounselling Consultations 1 year
Owen J. et al., 2022 [36] Retrospective To examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the reach, efficacy, adoption, and implementation of telehealth delivery for the exercise of physiology services. Physiology Telecounselling Physiology clinicians 5 months
Navein J., Hagmann J., Ellis J. 1997 [37] Retrospective Evaluate a satellite-based telemedicine system deployed in support of remote primary-care physicians in the U.S. military. Orthopedics Telecounselling
Referring/Consulting clinicians
1 year and
3 months
Dunkerley S. et al.,
2020 [38]
Prospective Assess how the initial changes implemented within the department had affected outpatient fracture management and evaluate if the structure was meeting the new standards set by BOAST (the British Orthopedic Association). Fracture Telecounselling
Referring/Consulting clinicians
1 month
Beard M., Orlando J.F., Kumar S.
2017 [39]
Prospective Determine the feasibility, appropriateness, and access to a telehealth clinic by auditing the process and outcomes by a pilot telehealth spinal assessment clinic. Spinal disorders Telecounselling Consultations 5 months
Vitacca et al., 2010 [40] Retrospective Evaluate patients’ characterization and staff workload on a teleassistance service for patients with chronic respiratory failure. Respiratory failure Monitoring Patients 5 years
Williams M. 2020 [41] Retrospective To evaluate rural paediatric diabetic telehealth clinics, including whether they meet clinical standards and provide equivalent care to central clinics: families were satisfied, and difficulties were encountered. Pediatric diabetic Telecounselling
Referring/Consulting clinicians
1 year
Webster et al., 2008 [42] N.A. Evaluate a telemedicine service established for the Scottish Police College with medical advice provided from the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Injury/illness Telecounselling Consultations
Service Users
1 year and
4 months
Alkmim M.B.M et al., 2015 [43] N.A. To describe the audit of the teleconsultation responses performed by the Telehealth Network of Minas Gervais (TNMG). Mixed Telecounselling Service Users 1 month
Jury S.C., Kornberg J.A. 2016 [47] N.A. Evaluate the possibility of integrating telehealth into “business as usual”. N.S. Telecounselling Clinicians 1 month