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. 2023 Feb 28;20(5):4364. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20054364

Table A1.

Ordinary least squares (OLS) regressions predicting the impact of transitioning from being a housewife to paid employment on women’s mental health.

GHQ-12 Total
Traditional Women Egalitarian Women
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Job status (Ref. = Remain to be housewives)
  Transition into paid employment 1.67 *** 1.89 * 1.68 ***
(0.42) (0.87) (0.48)
GRA, (Ref. = Traditional women)
  Egalitarian women 0.58
Age group 0.17 0.67 0.13
(0.29) (0.60) (0.33)
Marital status, (Ref. = Never married)
  Married 0.57 2.78 * 0.17
(0.53) (1.15) (0.60)
  Divorced/separated/widowed −0.50 3.17 * −1.50
(0.78) (1.46) (0.90)
Presence of children, (Ref. = No)
  Yes −0.12 −0.45 0.12
(0.63) (1.40) (0.69)
Presence of longstanding illness, (Ref. = Yes)
  No 3.16 *** 3.39 *** 3.09 ***
(0.46) (0.84) (0.53)
Logged income −0.28 * −0.19 −0.30 *
(0.13) (0.29) (0.14)
Ethnic group, (Ref. = British)
  Not British 0.73 0.74 0.77
(0.40) (0.71) (0.48)
Constant 22.03 *** 18.39 *** 23.04 ***
(1.36) (2.87) (1.39)
Number of respondents (Traditional women) 1222 326 896
R-squared 0.09 0.12 0.10

Note: Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p < 0.001, * p < 0.05.