Table 2.
Attributes | Health Definition (NCDs, Mental Health, Life Expectancy, Inequalities, Planetary Health) |
Local Health & Wellbeing Strategy | HIA of Local Plan, Sustainability Appraisal | Evidence Base (JSNA, IMD) | National Standards (BfHL, Plus Other Standards, e.g., BREEAM, WELL, Building with Nature) | National Health Guidance/References | |
Local Plan | |||||||
LPA1 | |||||||
LPA2 | |||||||
LPA3 | |||||||
LPA4 | |||||||
LPA5 | |||||||
LPA6 | |||||||
LPA7 |
Key: NCDs = non-communicable diseases; HIA = Health Impact Assessment; JSNA = Joint Strategic Needs Assessment; IMD = Indices of Multiple Deprivation; BfHL—Building for a Healthy Life standard; BREEAM—Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method. Traffic light score: green = feature is clearly present; amber = partially present; red = not present.