Table 1.
Case Management Actions and Definitions (Refer to the CMTaxonomy Intervention Tree) | Generalist Model |
Person-Centred Model |
Engagement^: Establish, develop, and maintain a relationship with the client. | X | X |
Assessment: through listening and gathering information from other sources (e.g., reports from therapists, doctors, teachers, vocational professionals) | X | X |
Holistic assessment: Assessment conducted by the case manager through observation of functioning, testing, and measurement of outcomes | X | |
Person-centred planning: Supporting the person to develop their individualised plan including setting goals and identify support needs as well, as therapy and rehabilitation related goals | X | |
Advising: Recommending a course to be followed, encourage change in functioning, environment, and attitude or behaviour to meet health needs and goals, and reduce risk | X | |
Coordination: Case consultation, maintaining feedback, managing documentation | X | X |
Proactive coordination: Including navigation, facilitation, advocacy for services, and extensive collaboration | X | |
Education: Providing structured information to the person, and/or their family, other stakeholders in a manner conducive to improve knowledge about the persons’ condition, treatment, functioning, or strategies | X | |
Training and skill development: Teaching, enhancing, or developing skills through context-specific practice to stakeholders | X | |
Emotional(and Motivational) support: Providing the person (and others as appropriate) with comfort, empathy, or motivational support | X | |
Monitoring: Continuous acquisition of information to evaluate the person’s situation to determine their progress, anticipate problems | X | X |
Related actions: Actions that are less frequently performed to facilitate coordination (practical support and performing tasks—e.g., making a medical appointment). | X | X |
* Abbreviated definitions from the CMTaxonomy–refer to the Glossary in Supplementary File S3 for full definitions. ^ These terms in italics and bolded are used to describe the actions (mechanism) in the two CM models throughout the manuscript.