Parameters of productive performance (Average daily weight gain (gram), average daily feed intake (gram), and feed conversion ratio (feed intake/weight gain)) recorded in broiler chickens under the following experimental conditions: CEO (chickens receiving clove essential oil at 100 mg/kg in feed from day 1–42 and challenged with coccidiosis at 14 days of age); Nano-CEO (chickens receiving nanoemulsion of clove essential oil at 100 mg/kg in feed from day 1–42 and challenged with coccidiosis at 14 days of age); EUG (chickens receiving eugenol at 100 mg/kg in feed from day 1–42 and challenged with coccidiosis at 14 days of age); Nano-EUG (chickens receiving nanoemulsion of eugenol at 100 mg/kg in feed from day 1–42 and challenged with coccidiosis at 14 days of age); ST (chickens receiving the standard treatment with diclazuril at 1 mg/kg in feed from day 1–42 and challenged with coccidiosis at 14 days of age); d-CON (chickens serving as diseased controls, i.e., receiving basal diet without any supplementation from day 1–42 and challenged with coccidiosis at 14 days of age); and h-CON (chickens serving as healthy controls, i.e., receiving basal diet without any supplementation from day 1–42 and not challenged with coccidiosis). Data are presented as means ± SEM; in each column, means that do not share a common letter (a–e) differ significantly.