Effects of T-RCAR-3 and free R-carvedilol on UV-induced skin inflammation and tumor formation in SKH-1 mice. (A) Mice were pre-treated with vehicle (PEG 400), T-RCAR-3 gel, free drug in PEG 400 or plain transfersome (PT) gel daily for two days, exposed to single dose UV (336 mJ/cm2), followed by a third dose of topical treatment. The skin tissues were collected six hours after UV exposure for RNA isolation. The mRNA expression of IL-6 was examined via qRT-PCR analysis (n = 3~5). An ANOVA followed by a Tukey–Kramer multiple-comparison post hoc test was used to assess statistical differences at p < 0.05. All data are shown with the mean ± SE. *: p < 0.05; **: p < 0.01. (B) Mice were pre-treated with T-RCAR-3 or R-CAR in acetone for two weeks. The mice were then exposed to gradual doses of UV up to 150 mJ/cm2 three times per week, and drug treatments were given immediately after each irradiation. The number of tumors per mouse and average tumor volume per mouse (C) are plotted and analyzed via a chi-square analysis to assess statistical differences at p < 0.05 (*) (n = 10). (D) Tumor growth rates calculated by fitting the tumor volume data to an exponential growth formula and solving for the rate. An ANOVA was run on the rates, p = 0.366593.