Figure 2. PhIP-seq with Falciparome captures known, novel antigens and relationships between age, exposure and breadth of seroreactive regions.
(a) Heatmap of Z-score enrichment over US controls for seroreactive peptides (rows) with >10% seropositivity across different age groups in the moderate and high exposure cohorts. Peptides are sorted by protein name and samples(columns) are ordered by increasing age in each group. Examples of well-characterized (black labels) as well as under-characterized/novel (blue labels) antigens in Plasmodium falciparum identified with this approach are indicated. (b) Breadth of antibody reactivity, shown as number of seroreactive peptides in each person. Dotted red line and red text indicate median breadth for each population group. Children from the moderate transmission setting had significantly lower breadth than children from the high transmission setting as well as all adults (KS test p-value <0.05). (c) Number of proteins identified as seroreactive in this study that are specific to different stages. Stage classification is based on proteomic datasets in PlasmoDB (spectral count ≥ 1 for at least 1 peptide in a protein in a given stage is counted as expression) and shows enrichment of proteins from all life stages of Plasmodium falciparum in the human host. (d) Breadth of VSA reactivity, shown as number of variant proteins of RIFINs, STEVORs, and PfEMP1s seroreactive per person. In the moderate transmission setting, children had a significantly lower breadth than adults for PfEMP1 and both age groups poorly recognized RIFINs and STEVORs. In contrast, in the high transmission setting, children had a significantly (* KS test <0.05) higher breadth than adults for all three families.