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. 2023 Jan 2;13(3):1887–1898. doi: 10.21037/qims-22-271

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Images of a 33-year-old male with HCC in the right lobe of the liver. (A) Unenhanced T1-weighted image showing a mildly hypointense lesion (red arrow). (B) Unenhanced T2-weighted image showing a heterogeneous and mildly hyperintense lesion (red arrow). (C) An image of the arterial phase showing a significantly unevenly enhanced lesion (red arrow). (D) An image of the portal venous phase showing a lesion with reduced enhancement (red arrow). (E) The map of the ADC (red arrow) showing an ADC of 1.29×10–3 mm2/s. (F) The map of the D (red arrow) showing a D value of 0.93×10–3 mm2/s. (G) Map of the D* (black arrow) showing a D* value of 33.8×10–3 mm2/s. (H) The map of the f (black arrow) showing an f value of 19.5%. HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; ADC, apparent diffusion coefficient; D, slow apparent diffusion coefficient; D*, fast apparent diffusion coefficient; f, fast apparent diffusion coefficient fraction.