a Immunoblots of ATF4, PHGDH, PKM2, SIRT1 and H3pT11 in the hearts of young mice (6 Months) and aged mice (20 Months). b Representative immunohistochemical staining of PHGDH, PKM2, H3pT11 and SIRT1 in the hearts of young mice (6 Months) and aged mice (20 Months). c Analysis of the relative serine concentrations in the hearts of young mice (6 Months) and aged mice (20 Months). d Immunoblots of PKM2 K305ac and PKM2 K433ac in the hearts of young mice (6 Months) and aged mice (20 Months). e RT-qPCR analysis of ATF4, PHGDH, PKM2 and SIRT1 transcription in the hearts of young mice (6 Months) and aged mice (20 Months). f 18-month-old C57BL/6 mice were injected with AAV that vascular endothelium (VE)-specific expression of PHGDH and PKM2 via tail vein. Four weeks later, protein expression was analyzed and the associated ageing phenotype was examined. g Immunoblots of PKM2, PHGDH, SIRT1, p21 and H3pT11 in the aorta of AAV-Ctrl, AAV-PHGDH and AAV-PKM2 mice. Analysis of body weight (h) and heart weight (i) in AAV-Ctrl, AAV-PHGDH and AAV-PKM2 mice. j Concentration-response curves to acetylcholine obtained in aortic rings from AAV-Ctrl, AAV-PHGDH and AAV-PKM2 mice (4 mice per group). k, l Analysis of echocardiographic parameters, including left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), and left ventricular fractional shortening (LVFS) in AAV-Ctrl, AAV-PHGDH and AAV-PKM2 mice. m Total distance and time achieved by AAV-Ctrl, AAV-PHGDH and AAV-PKM2 mice in a treadmill running performance test. For a, c-e, g, j, data represent means ± SE; n = 3 independent experiments. For h, i, k–m, data represent means ± SE, the number of total mice, male mice and female mice were indicated in the graphs; centre lines denote medians, box limits denote 25th and 75th percentiles and whiskers denote maximum and minimum values. Two-sided t-tests were used for statistical analysis.