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. 2023 Feb 15;15(2):1452–1461.

Table 1.

Manifestations of the ovarian plasmacytoma reported in the present study

Parameter Value/Characteristic
Info Age/sex 54, female
Site L, ovary
Symptoms Mass, 4 cm, no pain
US L, uterine wall Well-defined, hypoechoic nodule, 0.9×0.7 cm
L, adnexa Well-defined, cystic mass with fine echoes, 4.9×4.2 cm
Neutrophils (%) 77
CT L, pel oval, well-defined, homo, iso mass, 4.5×4.0 cm
MRI pel Roundish, well-defined, homo mass, 4.6×4.1×3.7 cm, hemo enhancement after CM
T1W1: isointense signals
T2W1: isointense signals
DWI: hyperintense signals
L, adnexa ADC (mm2/s): 0.72×10-3
Visualization L. ovary 5×5 cm, mass, smooth, intact capsule
Histology Tissue Diffuse and loose
Cell Eccentric nuclei, basophilic cytoplasm, spoke-wheel pattern
IHC + CD138, L, MuM1, CD79a, CD38, Ki-67, Lambda
- CD163, R, CK, CD19, CD20, CD56, CD117, α-inhibin, SF1, Kappa
Plasma cell (%) normal 1.1%
abnormal <0.01%
FISH + Iq21
- RB1, IGH, P53, D13S319
Treatment PCD-ID
Follow-up Stable within 2 yr

Note: Info: information; US: ultrasound; L: left; N/I: no other organ involvement; CT: Contrast-enhanced computed tomography; abd: abdomen; pel: pelvic cavity; homo: homologous; iso: isodense; CM: contrast medium; T1WI: T1-weighted imaging; T2WI: T2-weighted imaging; DWI: diffusion-weighted imaging; ADC: apparent diffusion coefficient; IHC: Immunohistochemistry; yr: years; FISH: fluorescence in situ hybridization; PCD: pomalidomide/cyclophosphamide/dexamethasone regimen; ID: ixazomib/dexamethasone.