Fig. 1.
Sample-to-sample correlation of mRNA expression of 100 most differently expressed genes in a human glioblastoma cell line panel does not match with inherent therapy resistance a Tabular presentation of characteristics of the human glioblastoma cell lines as obtained from the Cellosaurus database ( b Unsupervised hierarchical clustering and principal component analysis (PCA) of mRNA expression levels of top 20 genes differently expressed between glioblastoma and low-grade glioma (LGG) patient samples (data from the TCGA database (, clustering method ward.D and euclidean distance measure) in 560 glioblastoma and 463 LGG patient samples, and in glioblastoma cell lines. c Unsupervised hierarchical clustering and PCA of G-CIMP signatures for hypermethylation phenotypes in 410 glioblastoma and 516 LGG patient samples (data from the TCGA database), and in glioblastoma cell lines. d Sample-to-sample correlation analysis of mRNA expression of 100 genes with highest intra-panel variation in expression in human glioblastoma cell lines. Expression values were determined by global gene expression microarray analysis. PCA-derived scores of inherent resistance (PC1s as described in [7, 8]) to single-shot radiotherapy (RTX), fractionated RTX, TMZ, and TMZ + single-shot RTX are depicted on top by unsupervised hierarchical clustering