Elevated expression of β-spectrin rescues α-synuclein neurotoxicity. A, Climbing activity in control and human α-synuclein transgenic Drosophila with and without elevated expression of β-spectrin. n = minimum of 60 flies per genotype (six biological replicates of 10 flies each). B, C, Brain degeneration assayed by hematoxylin staining in the anterior medulla of control and α-synuclein transgenic Drosophila with and without elevated expression of β-spectrin; n = 6. D, E, Immunostaining for TH in the anterior medulla of control and α-synuclein transgenic Drosophila with and without elevated expression of β-spectrin. n = 6. F, G, The normal spectrin subplasmalemmal network is disrupted by expression of human α-synuclein. Arrows indicate disruptions in the spectrin network. n = 6. All flies are 10 d old. Controls are nSyb-QF2, nSyb-GAL4/+. Scale bars: B, 10 µm; D, F, 5 µm. Data are mean ± SEM. p values determined with one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test (see Extended Data Fig. 1-1).