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. 2023 Jan-Mar;27(1):e2022.00093. doi: 10.4293/JSLS.2022.00093

Table 2.

Summary of Included Studies – Routine and Selective Intraoperative Cholangiography (IOC) Use in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

Author, Year of publication, country Study Design Study period Policy of IOC Incidence of BDI with and without IOC IOC policy Number of patients Conversions to open Patient demographics Outcomes
BDI CBD stone detection incidence Missed stones
Amott, 2005, Australia43 Prospective Randomized study 1995 – 2002 Routine and Selective Routine: 0.68% Routine 148 nil NR 1/148 12/94 3/152
Selective 0.65% Selective 155 nil NR 1/155 5/34 5/163
Carlson, 1993, USA44 Prospective study Not stated Routine and Selective Routine: 0.61% Routine 164 nil NR 1/164 NR 0/164
Selective: 0% Selective 155 nil NR 0/155 NR 1/155
Guerra-Filho, 2007, Brazil17 Prospective study 1992 – 1994 Routine and selective Not recorded Routine 127 nil Mean age = 48.8 (13 – 83) years, M:F ratio = 1:3 approximately NR 11/102 NR
Selective 127 nil Mean age = 47.9 (12 – 91) years, M:F ratio = 1:3 approximately NR 7/59 NR
Kohn, 2004, USA18 Retrospective study 1999 – 2000 Routine and Selective Not recorded Routine 38 0/38 Mean age = 49 years, M:F ratio = 12:27 NR 5/38 0/38
Selective 112 20/112 Mean age = 47 years, M:F ratio = 43:69 NR 5/28 5/112
Ladosci, 1997, England16 Randomized trial 1991 – 1993 Routine and Selective Routine: 0.36%Selective: 0% Routine 276 19/276 Mean age = 48.1 ± 16.4 years, M:F ratio = 24.6:73.6 1/276 13/187 0/276
Selective 458 15/458 Mean age = 49 ± 16.3 years, M:F ratio = 1:3 approximately 0/458 8/78 0/458
Nickkholgh, 2006, Iran2 Retrospective study 1992 – 2001 Routine and Selective Routine: 0%Selective: 0.25% Routine 1330 61 total, not described which group NR 0/1330 37/1330 2/1330
Selective 800 NR 2/800 9/159 9/800
Snow, 2001, USA45 Retrospective study 1989 – 1998 Routine and Selective 0% both Routine 1522 nil NR 0/1522 136/1517 42/1522
Selective 139 nil NR 0/487 0/138 0/487

Abbreviations: IOC, Intraoperative Cholangiography; BDI, bile duct injury; CBD, common bile duct.