S100A9 protein induces expansion of MKs. A–C, DP42 tumors were established in syngeneic mice by intravenous injection of tumor cells. Treatment with TQ started on day 3 after tumor cell injection. A, Number of MKs was counted in the BM from tumor-free and DP42-bearing mice using H&E-stained slides. B, Number of platelets measured by complete blood count is shown. C, Number of MKs in the BM of WT and S100A9KO tumor-free (TF) and DP42-bearing mice was counted using H&E-stained slides. Cumulative results (left) and representative images (right) are shown (A and C). Magnification, 20x. Scale bar, 50 μm. Yellow arrows indicate MKs. D, Levels of TPO were measured by ELISA in the BM supernatants, blood, or liver lysates collected from WT and S100A9KO mice. E, Expression of c-Mpl was determined by qPCR in BM cells either freshly isolated from WT and S100A9KO mice (WT and KO) or cultured for 2 days with (A9) or without (UT) addition of S100A9 protein. Individual values, mean, and SEM values are shown. Statistics: one-way ANOVA with Tukey multiple comparisons test (A–C), two-tailed Student t test (D and E).