a, Schematic of experimental design. Retrobeads were injected into the aNB to retrogradely label the aNB-projecting neurons in PB of ChATIRES-Cre or Slc17a6IRES-Cre mice. ChAT+ or vGLUT2+ PB neurons were labeled by AAVs encoding Cre-inducible EGFP. b, Images showing red Retrobeads injected into the aNB region (AP −0.8 – −1.1 mm) (repeated in 3 mice). c–f, Coronal brain sections showing the distribution of Retrobeads in the midbrain 10 days after injection (3 mice). g, h, Percentages of aNB-projecting neurons in midbrain nuclei at AP −4.6 – −4.9 mm (g) and −5.1 – −5.4 mm (h) (n = 3 mice). Inset: fraction of Retrobeads+ cells in the lateral PB (lPB) and the medial PB (mPB) ipsilateral or contralateral to the injection site. i, Colocalization of Retrobeads+ somas and NeuN+ nuclei in PB. Arrows indicate Retrobeads+NeuN+ cells. j, Percentages of NeuN+ cells containing Retrobeads (3 mice). k, Colocalization of Retrobeads+, EGFP-labeled vGLUT2+, and ChAT immunoreactive somas in PB of Slc17a6IRES-Cre mice. Yellow and magenta arrows indicate vGLUT2+Retrobeads+ and ChAT+Retrobeads+ cells, respectively (3 mice). l, Percentages of Retrobeads+ cells expressing vGLUT2 and/or ChAT in lPB and mPB (n = 3 mice). m, Confocal images of coronal sections from ChATIRES-Cre mice. Upper, colocalization of Retrobeads+ and calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactive (CGRP+) somas in the external lPB (elPB) and the external mPB (emPB) (3 mice). Red and white arrows indicate Retrobeads+ and CGRP+ cells, respectively. Lower, colocalization of Retrobeads+, EGFP-labeled ChAT+, and CGRP+ somas in mPB (2 mice). Yellow, white, and magenta arrows indicate Retrobeads+ChAT+CGRP−, Retrobeads+ChAT−CGRP−, and Retrobeads−ChAT−CGRP+ cells, respectively. n, Percentages of Retrobeads+ cells expressing CGRP in mPB and lPB (2 mice). Mean ± SEM.