Listed linear models were fit to peak frequencies of calcium transients measured from 87 control and 98 TTX-treated slices each from separate animals that differed in their genotype (null, heterozygote or wild-type) for each of the Hlf, Tef, and Dbp genes. The data (see attached file) includes the 88 experiments shown in Figure 2 and Figure 2—figure supplement 1 (WT and TKO) as well as 97 additional experiments (intermediate genotypes). Regressions were performed using the lm function in R where the variables Hlf, Tef, and Dbp represent the numbers of alleles of each gene (0, 1, or 2) and the variable (Hlf + Tef) represented the sum of the number of Hlf and Tef alleles. The column p > F reports the significance of each model assessed from an F test. For models that accounted for >10% of the variance in the data (adj R2 > 0.1; bold values), the intercept (b0) and coefficients (b1…) are listed, along with the 790 probability that the coefficient is nonzero (t test).