Fig. 6. SVs contribute to heat tolerance adaptation and domestication.
a, Upper left, results of an SV-based selection sweep analysis between two groups located in tropical and temperate zones. The black dashed line represents a cutoff window in which the top 1% data points were selected as sweep regions. Bottom left, the expression of PMA2G02653.1 is influenced by a nearby SV. The error bars indicate the mean ± s.d.; n = 3 biological replicates. Right, comparison of the latitudinal distribution of the two SV-related haplotypes in pearl millet accessions. The center line indicates the median; the box limits indicate the upper and lower quartiles; the whiskers indicate 1.5 times the IQR; the dots represent the outliers. Significant differences were tested using a two-tailed t-test and are shown as P values. XP-CLR, cross-population composite likelihood ratio. b, Frequencies of SVs in wild and landrace accessions and improved cultivars. c, PAV–GWAS of SVs associated with the GNP trait based on the graph-based pan-genome. The center line indicates the median; the box limits indicate the upper and lower quartiles; the whiskers indicate 1.5 times the IQR; the dots represent the outliers. Significant differences were tested using a two-tailed t-test and are shown as P values. PmiG: Tift 23D2B1-P1-P5. The black dashed line represents the significance threshold based on a −log10(P) > 5.