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. 2023 Jan 12;10(2):307–327. doi: 10.1007/s40744-022-00522-0

Table 1.

Individual pairwise comparisons

RAPID-axSpA and C-axSpAnd vs. CZP Pooled vs. Timepoint(s), weeks Populationa
ABILITY-1 (n = 185) ADA 12 bDMARD-naïve nr-axSpA (RAPID-axSpA n = 142; C-axSpAnd n = 299)
COAST-X (n = 303) IXE



bDMARD-naïve nr-axSpA (RAPID-axSpA n = 142; C-axSpAnd n = 299)
EMBARK (n = 215) ETN 12 bDMARD-naïve nr-axSpA with symptom duration between > 3 months and < 5 years (C-axSpAnd n = 149)
GO-AHEAD (n = 198) GOL 16 bDMARD-naïve nr-axSpA with disease duration ≤ 5 years (C-axSpAnd n = 139)
PREVENT (n = 555) SEC



nr-axSpAc (C-axSpAnd n = 317)

ADA adalimumab, bDMARD biologic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug, CZP certolizumab pegol, ETN etanercept, GOL golimumab, IXE ixekizumab, nr-axSpA non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis, SEC secukinumab

aSubgroup of C-axSpAnd and RAPID-axSpA trials included in order to match with the comparator population; bResults at 52 weeks only available in C-axSpAnd, but not RAPID-axSpA; cbDMARD-naïve nr-axSpA subgroup also analyzed where data were available (ASAS40 only)