Figure 2.
Pairwise scatterplots, distribution and linear correlation coefficients of the investigated metrics. Distribution of each metric can be found in the main diagonal, pairwise correlation coefficients in the upper right triangle and their pairwise scatterplots in the bottom left half. The 9 highest risk patients according to the estimated time above 600 mg/dl obtained with EVS are highlighted. Abbreviations: CONGA, continuous net overall glycemic action; CV, coefficient of variation; EVS, extreme value statistics; Hrs 400+, EVS estimation of hours spent above 400 mg/dl per year; Hrs 600+, EVS estimation of hours spent above 600 mg/dl per year; IQR, interquartile range; MAGE, mean amplitude of glycemic excursions; RL, return level; TAR (>250), observed time above range (TAR) spent above >250 mg/dl.