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. 2022 May 3;1(1):e000134. doi: 10.1136/bmjmed-2022-000134

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of included trials

Characteristics No (%) Interquartile range Range
Eligible studies:
 Total No of trials 48
 Median trial size 131 65-246 18-18 144
 Median follow-up (weeks) 34 24-52 24-312
 No of studies funded by pharmaceutical companies 26 (54.2)
 No of studies that were phase 2/3 12 (25.0)
 No of studies that were not phase 2/3 36 (75.0)
 Mean age (years) 62.6 57.7-64.0 45.9-84.1
 Male sex (%) 71.9 51.9-75.3 27.6-89.7
 Mean LDL-C (mg/dL) at baseline 112.1 109.92-150.47 82.05-318.40
 Mean proportion (%) of patients receiving statin at baseline 39.6 0-100 0-100
 World 12 (25.0)
 Europe* 9 (18.8)
 Asia† 20 (41.7)
 America 7 (14.6)
Prevention type:
 Primary prevention 12 (25.0)
 Secondary prevention 24 (50.0)
 Unspecific prevention 12 (25.0)

LDL-C=low density lipoprotain cholesterol (1 mg/dL=0.0259 mmol/L).

*One study conducted in Russia was included in this category.

†One study conducted in Turkey was included in this category.