β-Galactosidase activities of the puc::lacZ fusion (pCF200Km) in AppA mutant strains of R. sphaeroides
Strain | Amt (μmol/min/mg of protein) for growth conditiona:
Aerobic | Semiaerobic | Dark-DMSO | |
2.4.1 | 210 ± 24 | 1,550 ± 99 | 1,140 ± 94 |
TSPO1 | 250 ± 30 | 1,970 ± 121 | 1,190 ± 89 |
TSPO1(pUI2701) | 180 ± 20 | 1,248 ± 84 | 976 ± 91 |
APP11 | 32 ± 19 | 120 ± 33 | 74 ± 31 |
APP-TSPO | 27 ± 20 | 117 ± 34 | 35 ± 32 |
APP-TSPO(pUI2701) | 24 ± 19 | 99 ± 39 | 62 ± 30 |
See Table 3 footnotes for descriptions of growth conditions.