Fig. 5. Cooperative binding (bimodal HDX in the RBM of spikes in complex with ACE2).
The bubble plots of model peptides of the RBM provide an estimation of the level of deuteration and the relative intensity of the two spike subpopulations upon receptor binding. Data are indicative and semi-quantitative and need to be regarded as trends. The bubbles of the low- and high-mass population (bimodal distributions) are sized according to their approximated relative intensity and coloured in blue and red respectively. Magenta bubbles indicate unimodal isotopic distributions, meaning that the two populations converge, uptaking the same level of deuterium. Peptides considered: YGFQPTNGVGYQPYRVVVL (495–513) of Wuhan spike; YGFQPTNGVGYQPYRVVVL (495–513) of G614 spike; YGFQPTNGVGYQPYRVVVL (493–511) of delta spike; YGFQPTYGVGYQPYRVVVL (492–510) of alpha spike; YGFQPTYGVGYQPYRVVVL (492–510) of beta spike; YSFRPTYGVGHQPYRVVV (492–509) of omicron spike.