Table 6.
In-unit army-wide performance rating scale dimensions and composite scores.
Rating Composites | α |
Can Do | .90 |
Performing Core Warrior Tasks | |
Performing MOS-Specific Tasks | |
Processing Information | |
Solving Problems | |
Effort & Discipline | .79 |
Exhibiting Effort | |
Exhibiting Personal Discipline | |
Working with Others | .68 |
Communicating with Others | |
Contributing to the Team | |
Self-Management | .79 |
Following Safety Procedures | |
Developing Own Skills | |
Managing Personal Matters | |
Single Item Dimensions | |
Adjustment to Army Life | |
Physical Fitness and Bearing | |
Overall Leadership Potential Rating |
Of the seven performance ratings used in analyses, four are composites of multiple dimensions and three are single dimension ratings.