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. 2023 Mar 8;6:0075. doi: 10.34133/research.0075


The best performance of the 4 models for the multilevel framework. The AUC, Recall, and Precision of the M-PvsP model were calculated with the weighted method.

Model Feature Algorithm 5-CV Test
ACC AUC Recall Precision ACC AUC Recall Precision
B-PvsC ECFP4 LR 0.933 0.974 0.974 0.946 0.955 0.981 0.990 0.957
B-MvsP MACCS LightGBM 0.858 0.916 0.908 0.865 0.843 0.902 0.869 0.874
M-PvsP MACCS LightGBM 0.783 0.904 0.783 0.757 0.809 0.932 0.809 0.794
B-McoL 2D LightGBM 0.941 0.980 0.961 0.927 0.963 0.982 0.981 0.944