Developmental gene expression alignment between human and chimpanzee organoids
(A) The samples of human and chimpanzee organoid cells33 (visualized by pseudo-cells) in the common space after BOMA alignment. Human and chimpanzee organoid cells were plotted separately for comparison. The dot colors represent the experimental time points. The dashed line in the left panel shows the direction of the developing trajectory. Two chimpanzee organoid-specific clusters (Chimpanzee_1 and Chimpanzee_2) are highlighted in the right panel.
(B) Averaged pseudo-time between human and chimpanzee organoids. Pseudo-time is defined as the x axis coordinates in (A). Each dot represents the averaged pseudo-time of samples at a certain time point (0–120 days).
(C) Functional enrichments of the chimpanzee organoid-specific cluster marker genes.