Figure 5.
Unsupervised UMAP 2D projection of imaging mass cytometry data. (a) colored by different patient groups: uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) for cells from AKI-ICI (blue), ICI-Other (orange), and Control (green) patients. Per-cell statistics were pooled for all 3 patient groupings, and UMAP was computed using the mean cell intensity for each of the 27 markers. Clustering approaches were not used, and rather rely on the underlying label of which patient grouping the cell was derived from (as described in the methods section). UMAP_X and UMAP_Y represent arbitrary dimensionless axes for projecting the dimensionality-reduced cells. Cells in close proximity indicate phenotypic similarity as defined by marker expression patterns, whereas distal cells are presumed to have a greater dissimilarity. Visual interpretation indicates a high extent of homogeneity of AKI-other cells with AKI-ICI, more than ICI-Other with control. (b) Panel of UMAP projection images for the 26 markers and DNA intercalator (NA2) utilized in this study. Color scale range (blue to yellow) corresponds to least to maximum marker intensity. UMAP_X and UMAP_Y axes match with Figure 5A to allow for direct comparison between marker intensity and patient grouping. HLA-DR, human leukocyte antigen; SMA, spinal muscular atrophy.