Southern blot analyses of Leptospira spp. Southern blotting of EcoRI-digested DNA was performed as previously described (8), and blots were probed at 50°C with the radiolabeled chpK probe from L. interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae strain Lai. The chpK probe was amplified by PCR with primers PkA (5′-TTC ATT TGG AAG TGA GCC TG-3′) and PkB (5′-AAT CTA AGC CTG TAA CCA AC-3′). Lane 1, L. interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae strain Lai; lane 2, L. interrogans serovar copenhageni strain Wijnberg; lane 3, L. interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae strain Verdun; lane 4, L. interrogans serovar grippotyphosa strain Moskva V; lane 5, L. interrogans serovar canicola strain Hond Utrecht IV; lane 6, L. interrogans serovar sejroe strain M84; lane 7, L. biflexa serovar patoc strain Patoc1; lane 8, L. meyeri serovar semaranga strain Veldrat.