Figure 3.
Update mechanisms in a graph-structured metapopulation. The population consists of two types of individuals, wild-types (blue) and mutants (red). The individual marked with the solid black circle gives birth and the individual marked with black dashed circle is selected for death. (a) Birth–death or death–birth in one patch without migration: this includes birth–death or death–birth in a coupled update mechanism without migration as well as an uncoupled update mechanism in which both death and birth happen in the same subpopulation. (b) A coupled update mechanism with migration: if birth is coupled with migration after each birth the newborn migrates to an adjacent patch and replaces one of its individual. If death is coupled to migration, a death in one patch is followed by birth of an individual in one of the adjacent patches where newborn occupies the place of dead individual. (c) Migration in an uncoupled update mechanism: migration happens independently from birth or death and it only exchanges the position of two individuals from different patches. This process is completely random.