a, Table showing raw smFISH allele counts. b, Experimental outline for RNA half-life estimation. c, Representative smFISH images of 3 independent replicates before and after DRB treatment at Ahcyl1 and Rps3a1. d, Left, box plot showing uasTrx and sense burst fractions at Ahcyl1 before and after DRB treatment. Right, same as left but quantifying burst sizes. Lower and upper box ends represent the first and third quartiles with the median indicated as a horizontal line within the box. Mean is indicated by a circle within the box. Whiskers define the smallest and largest values within 1.5 times the interquartile range below the first or above the third quartile, respectively. Outliers are plotted as individual dots. P values were calculated by two-sample t-test. e, Same as (d) but for Rps3a1. f, RT–qPCR measuring nascent sense and uasTrx levels at Ahcyl1 and Rps3a1 before and after DRB treatment. Transcripts were normalized to Gapdh and plotted relative to time 0 h (error bar: SEM; n = 4).