Fig. 2.
Spatiotemporal changes in the early and late evoked responses induced by repeated stimulation. A) Experimental protocol. The anesthetized mice injected with amphetamine received interleaved single-pulse electrical stimulation to the forepaw and a LED flash as visual stimulation (20 trials each) followed by 30 min of repeated stimulation of the forepaw at 20 Hz and finally received another interleaved single-pulse forepaw and visual stimulation (20 trials each). B) Cortical map registered to the Allen Mouse Brain Atlas for our wide-field recordings. C) Example of trial-averaged evoked activity pattern in response to electrical forepaw stimulation before (top row) and after (bottom row) repeated forepaw stimulation. D) Average response in the FLS1 area (ROI) to forelimb electrical stimulation before (dark line) and after (light line) repeated stimulation across trials (n = 30 trials, one animal). E) Trial-average template similarity of evoked responses for the same mouse. (i) Templates of early evoked activity before and after repeated stimulation. (ii) Trial-average similarity between the templates and the evoked response before (dark line) and after (light line) repeated stimulation.