S. Tm superspreaders share a distinct metabolic landscape
(A) Infection schematic for metabolomic profiling. 129X1/SvJ mice infected with 108 CFU S. Tm for untargeted fecal metabolomics. Mice were the sampled at the indicated time points: 0, 7, 14, and 21 days post-infection.
(B) S. Tm CFU/g feces from 129X1/SvJ 7, 14, and 21 days post-infection (n = 95). Black circles indicate mice selected from each shedding stratum (low, moderate, supershedding; n = 5) for fecal metabolite profiling.
(C) S. Tm burden across organs of 15 mice selected for fecal metabolomics day 28 post-infection. n = 5 mice per shedding strata group.
(D) Principal component analysis of fecal metabolomes from 20 mice, over 4 time points, colored by CFU, and sized by day post-infection (0–21 DPI).
(E) Differential pathway enrichment of non-superspreaders and superspreaders at 14 DPI with multiple hypothesis correction (likelihood ratio test with Benjamini and Hochberg correction).
See also Figure S1.