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. 2023 Feb 16;12:e82785. doi: 10.7554/eLife.82785

Appendix 1—table 1. List of parameters used in the study.

Description Type Definition
Ethnicity defined as in the Danish HIV cohort logical 1: caucasian, 2: asian, 3: black, 4: other 5: inuit
Origin defined as in the Danish HIV cohort logical 1: Denmark, 2: Other Scandinavian country 3: Other European country, 4: Turkia, 5: Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka, 6: Arabian countries / Iran, 7: Other (Africa, Asia, Greenland)
Mode of HIV transmission logical 1.Homo/biseksuel, 2. IV drug use, 3.homoseksuel+misbrug4.hæmofili 5.blodtransfusion 6.heteroseksuel, 7. andet 8. unknown 9.perinatal
Gender logical 0: female, 1:male
Computed age numeric Unit: years
Body mass index numeric Unit: kg/m2
Physical activity in spare time logical 1: Inactive 2: Slightly active 3: Moderately active 4: Very active
Meat intake (Beef) numeric Times per week in average
Meat intake (Poultry) numeric Times per week in average
Choice of fat for preparing warm dishes logical 0: None, 1: Butter, 2: Spreadable (Kærgården), 3: Shortening (Stegemargarine), 4: Vegetable margarine (Plantemargarine), 5: Olive oil, 6: Other oil, 7: Other
Vegetable intake logical 0: Never 1: 1–3/month, 2: 1–2/week, 3: 3–4/week, 4: 5–6/week, 5: 1/day, 6: 2–3/day, 7:>3 /day
Fruit intake (whole fruit/portion of fruit) logical 0: Never, 1: 1–3/month, 2: 1–2/week, 3: 3–4/week, 4: 5–6/week, 5: 1/day, 6: 2–3/day, 7:>3 /day
*Weekly alcohol consumption numeric Unit:gram
Cumulative smoking numeric Unit: Pack years in current and previous smokers
Current Smoking logical 0: No, 1: Yes
Current CD4 count (closest to date of inclusion) numeric cell / ul
Current CD8 count numeric cell / ul
Ratio CD4/CD8 numeric x
CD4_nadir numeric cell / ul
CD4 at ART initiation numeric cell / ul
Current viral load numeric copies / ul
VL at ART initiation numeric copies / ul
Log10 of VL at ART initiation numeric x
SNF clusters logical 1:SNF-1, 2: SNF-2, 3: SNF-3
Duration of current cART numeric Unit: months
Duration of current cART numeric Unit: years
Duration of previous cART numeric Unit: months
3rd Drug logical NNRTI, PI/r,INSTI, Other/unknow
1st drug logical ABC, TDF/TAF, Other/unknown
Subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) numeric squared centimeters
Visceral adipose tissue (VAT) numeric squared centimeters
Waist circumference numeric Unit: cm
Systolic blood pressure, right arm numeric Unit: mm mercury
Diastolic blood pressure, right arm numeric Unit: mm mercury
Metabolic syndrome (MetS)* logical 0: No, 1: Yes
Central obesity logical 0: No,1: Yes
hypertension (*JNC7 definition) logical 0: No, 1: Yes
Diabetes logical 0: No, 1: Yes
Estimated glomerular function rate (eGFR) numeric Unit: reads mL/min/1.73 m2
Alanine aminotransferase (ALAT) numeric Unit:Units per liter
Antihypertensives logical 0: No, 1: Yes