Characterization of the ovarian process within the MCO. a – c. Female hormones: mouse estradiol, mouse Inhibin-A, and mouse Inhibitin-B were expressed within the MCO, n = 3, 20–30 follicles were implanted in the MCO, the error bar stands for standard error of the mean, and the p-value passed the one-way ANOVA test, ***: p < 0.001; ****: p < 0.0001. d. In the time-lapse record of the entire ovulation process, the black arrow indicates the released cells. The bar was 100 μm. e. The ovulated oocyte was in the meiosis matured stage. The scale bar was 20 μm. f. The spontaneous parthenogenesis of the ovulated oocyte. The scale bar was 50 μm. g. The ovulated oocyte developed to the 2-cell stage after IVF. The scale bar was 50 μm.