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. 2023 Mar 2;17:1131214. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2023.1131214


Summary of studies using RE in patients with MCI or AD and in animal models of AD.

RE studies in MCI or AD patients
Sample size/
Intensity Frequency/
RE short term
69.5 ± 6.6 MCI 13-22 6 months High (80% of peak capacity) 2/3 3x 8 of 5/6 exercises ↑ Cortical and hippocampal thickness Broadhouse et al., 2020
≥ 55 MCI 17-27 6 months High (80-92% of 1 maximum repetitions) 2/3 3x 8 of 5/6 exercises ↑ Body strenght
Cognitive improvement
Mavros et al., 2017
≥ 55 MCI 22-27 6 months High (↑) 2/3 3x 8 of 5/6 exercises Mixed memory outcomes
Cognitive and executive improvement
Fiatarone Singh et al., 2014
70-80 women MCI 08-27 6 months 13-15 Borg’s RPE scale 2 2x 6-8 of 7 exercises No differerence in hippocampal volume Brinke et al., 2015
75.53 ± 4.48 MCI 10-13 12 weeks 65% of 1RM 2 15 maximum repetitions no info about exercises ↑ Physical fitness
↑ Body muscular strengh
No effect in general cognition but working memory improvement
Hong et al., 2017
Not informed AD 17 16 weeks 85% of 20 maximum repetitions 3 2x 20 + 1x until fatigue No difference in cognition and memory Vital et al., 2012
60-80 MCI 20-25 1 day 75% of 1 maximal repetition 1 2x 10 of 6 exercises ↑ serum IGF-1 Tsai et al., 2018
RE studies in AD animal models
Animal model Age (months) Sample size/
Intervention duration Intensity Frequency/
Repetitions RE changes
Female D-GAL (Wistar) 6-7 8 6 weeks Load increasing from 50-100% of body mass 3 8 Muscle hypertrophy
Cognitive improvement
↓ hippocampal and cortex Aβ
No difference in hippocampal BDNF
↑ serum IGF-1 (not in the brain)
Özbeyli et al., 2017
Male APP/PS1 (C57Bl/6) 6-7 05-15 4 weeks Load increasing from 75-100% of maximal load 5 2x each % body mass + 100% +3g until falied ↓ hyperlocomotion
↓ hippocampal Aβ plaques volume
↓ hippocampal microglia around Aβ plaques
↓ hippocampal pro-inflammatory IL-1α, IL-6 cytokines
↓ hippocampal anti-inflammatory IL-4 cytokine
Hashiguchi et al., 2020
treated with STZ (Wistar)
Not informed 8 weeks Load increasing from 30-150% of body mass 3 Not informed Memory improvement
↑ hippocampal BDNF and NGF and NT3
↑ hippocampal TrkA and TrkB
Jafarzadeh et al., 2021
Male 3xTg-AD (mice) 3 10 9 weeks Load increasing from 50- 100% of body mass 3 16-10 ↑ gastrocnemius mass
↑ grip strenght
↓ hippocampus Aβ load
No difference in BDNF
↑ IGF-1
Pena et al., 2020
Male 3xTg Psen (B6) mice 9 07-08 4 weeks Load increasing from 15- 75% of body mass 3 15 Cognitive improvement
↓ frontal cortex and hippocampal Aβ plaques
↓ frontal cortex total and phosphorilated tau
↓ hippocampal phosphorilated tau
↓ frontal cortex and hippocampal micróglia
↓ frontal cortex and hippocampal microglia cell body
↑ hippocampal anti-inflammatory IL-10 cytokine
↓ serum IL-1β cytokine
↑ frontal cortex and hippocampal pro-inflammatory IL-6 cytokine
Liu et al., 2020