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. 2023 Mar 2;14:1142642. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2023.1142642

Table 4.

Extracted acoustic, linguistic, and cognitive biomarkers.

Task Name Biomarker description Dysfunction EB
All F0STD [Hz] Pitch variability defined as Monopitch
the standard deviation of F0 contours
All F1STD [Hz] Standard deviation of the first formant Rigidity of tongue and jaw
All INTSTD [dB] Speech loudness variability defined as the Monoloudness
standard deviation of the intensity countour
SS SPTIME [s] Net speech time relative to total speech time Lower amount of speech time
in spontaneous production
RP SPTIME [s] Net speech time relative to total speech time Higher amount of speech time
due reading difficulties
All SILTIME [s] Total amount of silent time in a recording Higher amount of silent time
All SILPERC [%] Total silent time divided by the total speech time Higher amount of silent time
expressed in percentage
All SILSPPRAT [%] Pause-speech ratio derived as the total amount of Higher pause-speech ratio
silent time over the total amount of speech time
All SILDUR [s] Mean length duration of speech pauses Longer duration of silences
All SILVAR [s] Median absolute deviation of speech pauses duration Higher variability of silence time
SS WORDCNT Total word count after function words removal Shorter narratives
SS WORDLEN Mean word length computed in terms of Difficulties in word completion/
the # of word characters after function words removal adoption of less complex vocabulary
SS SENTCNT Count of the # of sentences used in elicited narratives Shorter/poorer linguistic production
SS SENTLEN Sentence length defined in terms of the total number Shorter and simpler narratives
of words
SS NOUNCNT # of nouns Selective impairment in object naming
SS VERBCNT # of verbs Selective impairment in action verbs
SS ADJCNT # of adjectives Reduced use of adjectives
SS ADVCNT # of adverbs Reduced use of adverbs
SS NUMCNT # of numerals Reduced use of numerals
SS AUXCNT # of auxiliaries Reduced use of auxiliaries
SS NPCNT # of noun phrases Reduced number of noun phrases
SS VPCNT # of verb phrases Reduced number of verb phrases
SS PPCNT # of prepositional phrases Reduced number of prepositional phrases
SS IU # informational units defined as Selective impairment in action naming
as # of salient events occurring in a picture
SS RHYSTD Speech rhythm defined as standard deviation of Static speech rhythm
of word starting timestamps
RP RHYSTD Speech rhythm defined as standard deviation of Irregular speech rhythm
of word starting timestamps

For each biomarker, we report the task from which the biomarker has been extracted, the biomarker name, the biomarker description, the specific dysfunction behind the biomarker, and the expected behavior (EB) occurring in PD subjects. #, number.

↑ means increasing, ↓ means decreasing.