Fig. 1.
The effect of the rs9984273 genotype on mortality and cytokine levels in the INTEREST trial investigating intravenous IFN β-1a for ARDS treatment. A genetic sample was available from 202/296 (104/144 in the IFN β-1a treatment arm and 98/152 in the placebo arm) of the study subjects. Number of the subjects at risk is indicated on the x- axis. A The rs9984273 minor allele C (CC or CT) was significantly associated with survival in patients compared to those who were homozygous with the major allele (TT). B A similar association was not observed in the placebo arm. C Further adjusted logistic regression analysis for Day 28 mortality encompassing the entire Phase III study population (both active and placebo arms) revealed that the use of glucocorticoids had the strongest association with mortality. D The logarithmic change in serum IFN γ and IL-6 levels according to the genetic background of rs9984273 in patients of the INTEREST trial with ARDS of pulmonary origin. Patients with the minor allele (CT or CC) had more rapid decrease in serum IFN γ and IL-6 levels toward normal when glucocorticoids were administered than the patients homozygous with the major allele (TT) in rs9984273. Numbers of the patients at each time point are indicated