Periodic test description | Frequency | Tolerance recommended (required) |
Source strength measurement | SE | 3% (5%) |
Source positioning accuracyI | SE, D | 1 (2) mm |
Source retraction with backup battery upon power failure | SE | Functional |
Timer accuracyII | SE, D | 1 s or 1% whichever is greater |
Timer linearityIII | AS | 1% (3%) |
Electrical interlocks at room entrance (door interlock(s)) | SE, D | Functional |
Emergency source retraction button | SE, D | Functional |
“Last person” out button (if present) | SE, D | Functional |
Treatment interrupt button | SE, D | Functional |
Source out indicators on the unit, console, wall, and so forth | SE, D | Functional |
Audio/visual systems | D | Functional |
Emergency response kit complete | D | Functional |
Independent radiation room monitor and remote display | D | Functional |
Calibrated survey meter present | D | Functional |
Console computer date and time accuracy | SE, D, Daylight time changes | 1 h |
Decayed source strength (or activity) in console (compared to decay chart) | SE, D | 1% |
Catheter misconnect/channel/turret check | D | Functional |
TPS to console software communication | SE | Functional |
Abbreviations: AS, after service; D, daily (on patient treatment day); SE, source exchange.