Resistance and growth phenotypes of USA300 harboring transposon insertions in genes that exhibit frameshift mutations in FarRE93EE strains. Cultures of USA300 or isogenic variants ΦΝΕ178 (A), ΦΝΕ1511 (B), or ΦΝΕ1154 (C), with transposon insertions in leuA, lysR, or uhpT, respectively, were grown in TSB containing the indicated concentrations of LA + 0.1% DMSO. Each datapoint represents the mean OD600 ± SD from triplicate 3-mL tube cultures after 24 h growth. (D) Growth of USA300 and isogenic ΦΝΕ1511 (lysR::tn) in chemically defined medium containing 0.4% glucose (CDM-G) or 0.25% histidine (CDM-H) as a carbon source. All data points represent the mean ± SD from triplicate 3-mL tube cultures after 24 h growth. Statistically significant differences (****, P < 0.0001; ***, P < 0.001; *, P < 0.05) compared to S. aureus USA300 were determined by Tukey’s multiple-comparison test.