Fig. 5. Parkin translocation in Becn1−/− MEFs.
A) Representative images of WT and Becn1−/− MEFs overexpressing mCherry-Parkin and treated with FCCP (10 μM) for 6h. Cells were stained for Tom20 to label mitochondria and nuclei were counter stained with Hoechst (blue). B) Quantification of the percentage of cells with mitochondrial Parkin after treatment with FCCP (10 μM) for 8h (n=400 cells/group from 4 experiments). C) Representative Western blot for ubiquitin in mitochondrial fractions from WT and Becn1−/− MEFs. D) Quantification of total ubiquitin (Ub) levels (n=5 independent experiments). E) Representative images of WT and Becn1−/− MEFs overexpressing GFP-LC3 and mCherry-Parkin and treated with FCCP (10 μM) for 6h. Cells were analyzed for colocalization between GFP-LC3 puncta and mCherry-Parkin. F) Quantification of GFP-LC3 and mCherry-Parkin co-localization events per cell (n=120 cells/group from 4 experiments). Data are presented as means ± SEM. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 by two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test. Scale bars = 10 μm.