(A, B) Mouse body temperature (A) and survival (B) over time in neutrophil depleted (Ly6G antibody, 1A8, 24 hours) and isotype control treated B6 mice after injection with 9ug mTNF. (C) Mouse body temperature over time and serum (D) TNF, IFNβ and IL-1β protein levels (E) relative lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels and (F) Alanine Aminotransferase levels (ALT) 4 hours after injection with 9ug mTNF in Trif−/− mice reconstituted with 1×106 macrophages or neutrophils from B6 or Trif−/− donors. Data points indicate individual mice tested, n=5. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for comparison between groups: ns, nonsignificant (p>0.05); *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001; ****p<0.0001.