Table 2. Mean (Standard Deviation) and Median (interquartile range) of the scores on the BSID III, WPPSI III and WISC V sub-scales of the cohort.
Scale | N | Mean (SD) | Median (IQR) | Min | Max |
BSID Cognitive composite score | 1,298 | 78.2 (14.6) | 80 (65, 90) | 55 | 140 |
BSID Language composite score | 1,298 | 82.8 (13.4) | 83 (74, 91) | 39 | 150 |
BSID Motor composite score | 1,298 | 88.7 (17.0) | 91 (76, 100) | 46 | 154 |
WPPSI Full Scale IQ | 1,233 | 75.6 (7.6) | 75 (71, 80) | 55 | 122 |
WPPSI Verbal IQ | 1,233 | 77.1 (9.8) | 75 (72, 81) | 53 | 131 |
WPPSI Performance IQ | 1,233 | 79.5 (9.1) | 79 (73, 84) | 55 | 129 |
WISC V FRI | 1,141 | 60.9 (10.4) | 61 (55, 67) | 45 | 109 |
BSID = Bayley Scale of Infant Development, FRI = Fluid Reasoning Index, WISC = Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children, WPPSI = Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scales for Children.