Table 1. Sociodemographic and Sexual Behavior of MSM from Brazil, Mexico, and Peru, 2018.
Total N = 18916 (100%) |
Brazil N = 11118 (58.8%) |
Mexico N = 5724 (30.3%) |
Peru N = 2074 (11.0%) |
Sociodemographic | ||||
Age (years) (n = 18915) | ||||
Median (IQR) | 28 (24–34) | 29 (24–35) | 28 (24–34) | 26 (22–31) |
18–24 | 5698 (30.1) | 3146 (28.3) | 1702 (29.7) | 850 (41.0) |
25–35 | 9085 (48) | 5272 (47.4) | 2880 (50.3) | 933 (45.0) |
≥ 25 | 4132 (21.8) | 2699 (24.3) | 1142 (20.0) | 291 (14.0) |
Race/Skin color (n = 13118) | ||||
White | 6263 (47.7) | 5873 (52.8) | NA | 390 (19.5) |
Non-white a | 6855 (52.3) | 5245 (47.2) | NA | 1610 (80.5) |
Monthly income b (n = 18148) | ||||
Low | 7155 (39.4) | 4990 (44.9) | 1484 (28.7) | 681 (36.7) |
Middle | 7855 (43.3) | 4627 (41.6) | 2316 (44.7) | 912 (49.2) |
High | 3138 (17.3) | 1501 (13.5) | 1376 (26.6) | 261 (14.1) |
Education level (years) (n = 18788) | ||||
< High school | 6033 (32.1) | 4259 (38.6) | 1332 (23.3) | 442 (21.6) |
≥ High school | 12755 (67.9) | 6761 (61.4) | 4392 (76.7) | 1602 (78.4) |
Recruitment (n = 18916) | ||||
Apps | 15,998 (84.6) | 9,895 (89.0) | 5,184 (90.5) | 919 (44.3) |
2,918 (15.4) | 1,223(11.0) | 540 (9.5) | 1155 (55.7) | |
Sexual Behavior | ||||
Sexual attraction (n = 18862) | ||||
Only men | 16837 (89.3) | 10163 (91.6) | 5032 (88.2) | 1642 (79.7) |
Men and women | 2025 (10.7) | 934 (8.4) | 673 (11.8) | 418 (20.3) |
Steady partner(n = 18759) | ||||
No | 13804 (73.6) | 8191 (74.2) | 4165 (73.3) | 1448 (71.1) |
Yes | 4955 (26.4) | 2853 (25.8) | 1514 (26.7) | 588 (28.9) |
Use of apps to find sexual partners (n = 18913) | ||||
Never | 1611 (8.5) | 812 (7.3) | 412 (7.2) | 387 (18.7) |
Sometimes | 8499 (44.9) | 4286 (38.6) | 3214 (56.1) | 999 (48.2) |
Daily | 8803 (46.5) | 6017 (54.1) | 2098 (36.7) | 688 (33.2) |
HIV Perceived riskc (n = 18436) | ||||
Low | 11953 (64.8) | 7,570 (70.1) | 3218 (57.3) | 1165 (57.4) |
High | 6483 (35.2) | 3223 (29.9) | 2396 (42.7) | 864 (42.6) |
HIRI-MSM d (n = 18916) | ||||
<10 points; low risk | 8989 (47.5) | 5269 (47.4) | 2774 (48.5) | 946 (45.6) |
≥10 points; high risk | 9927 (52.5) | 5849 (52.6) | 2950 (51.5) | 1128 (54.4) |
Sex under the influence of alcohol (n = 18875) | ||||
No | 11994 (63.5) | 6978 (63.0) | 3695 (64.6) | 1321 (63.8) |
Yes | 6881 (36.5) | 4105 (37.0) | 2027 (35.4) | 749 (36.2) |
Chemsexe (n = 18861) | ||||
No | 15748 (83.5) | 9122 (82.4) | 4792 (83.8) | 1834 (88.6) |
Yes | 3113 (16.5) | 1954 (17.6) | 923 (16.2) | 236 (11.4) |
Transactional sexe (n = 18915) | ||||
No | 17901 (94.6) | 10515 (94.6) | 5461 (95.4) | 1925 (92.8) |
Yes | 1014 (5.4) | 602 (5.4) | 263 (4.6) | 149 (7.2) |
a Asian, Black, Indigenous, and Mix-race
b For Brazil, we considered the number of minimum wages (MW) in the family monthly income: Low < 3 MW; middle 4–10 MW; high > 10 MW (MW in 2018 was 954 BRL = 250 USD, currency from June 2018). For Peru and Mexico, we considered individual monthly income: Low < 3 MW; middle 4–10 MW; high > 10 MW (MW in June 2018 was 850PEN = 265USD [Peru] and 5302MXL = 261USD [Mexico])
c In the coming year
d The HIV Incidence Risk Index for MSM (HIRI-MSM) scale was calculated based on sexual behavior in the previous six months (number of partners, condomless receptive anal intercourse, sex with HIV+ partner and use of stimulants; if ≥10 points, PrEP is recommended); “Unknown” answers scored 0 points in the HIV Incidence Risk for MSM scale.
e During the previous 6 months.