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. 2022 Jul 29;2(7):e0000678. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0000678

Table 1. Sociodemographic and Sexual Behavior of MSM from Brazil, Mexico, and Peru, 2018.

N = 18916
N = 11118
N = 5724
N = 2074 (11.0%)
Age (years) (n = 18915)
Median (IQR) 28 (24–34) 29 (24–35) 28 (24–34) 26 (22–31)
18–24 5698 (30.1) 3146 (28.3) 1702 (29.7) 850 (41.0)
25–35 9085 (48) 5272 (47.4) 2880 (50.3) 933 (45.0)
≥ 25 4132 (21.8) 2699 (24.3) 1142 (20.0) 291 (14.0)
Race/Skin color (n = 13118)
White 6263 (47.7) 5873 (52.8) NA 390 (19.5)
Non-white a 6855 (52.3) 5245 (47.2) NA 1610 (80.5)
Monthly income b (n = 18148)
Low 7155 (39.4) 4990 (44.9) 1484 (28.7) 681 (36.7)
Middle 7855 (43.3) 4627 (41.6) 2316 (44.7) 912 (49.2)
High 3138 (17.3) 1501 (13.5) 1376 (26.6) 261 (14.1)
Education level (years) (n = 18788)
< High school 6033 (32.1) 4259 (38.6) 1332 (23.3) 442 (21.6)
≥ High school 12755 (67.9) 6761 (61.4) 4392 (76.7) 1602 (78.4)
Recruitment (n = 18916)
Apps 15,998 (84.6) 9,895 (89.0) 5,184 (90.5) 919 (44.3)
Facebook 2,918 (15.4) 1,223(11.0) 540 (9.5) 1155 (55.7)
Sexual Behavior
Sexual attraction (n = 18862)
Only men 16837 (89.3) 10163 (91.6) 5032 (88.2) 1642 (79.7)
Men and women 2025 (10.7) 934 (8.4) 673 (11.8) 418 (20.3)
Steady partner(n = 18759)
No 13804 (73.6) 8191 (74.2) 4165 (73.3) 1448 (71.1)
Yes 4955 (26.4) 2853 (25.8) 1514 (26.7) 588 (28.9)
Use of apps to find sexual partners (n = 18913)
Never 1611 (8.5) 812 (7.3) 412 (7.2) 387 (18.7)
Sometimes 8499 (44.9) 4286 (38.6) 3214 (56.1) 999 (48.2)
Daily 8803 (46.5) 6017 (54.1) 2098 (36.7) 688 (33.2)
HIV Perceived riskc (n = 18436)
Low 11953 (64.8) 7,570 (70.1) 3218 (57.3) 1165 (57.4)
High 6483 (35.2) 3223 (29.9) 2396 (42.7) 864 (42.6)
HIRI-MSM d (n = 18916)
<10 points; low risk 8989 (47.5) 5269 (47.4) 2774 (48.5) 946 (45.6)
≥10 points; high risk 9927 (52.5) 5849 (52.6) 2950 (51.5) 1128 (54.4)
Sex under the influence of alcohol (n = 18875)
No 11994 (63.5) 6978 (63.0) 3695 (64.6) 1321 (63.8)
Yes 6881 (36.5) 4105 (37.0) 2027 (35.4) 749 (36.2)
Chemsexe (n = 18861)
No 15748 (83.5) 9122 (82.4) 4792 (83.8) 1834 (88.6)
Yes 3113 (16.5) 1954 (17.6) 923 (16.2) 236 (11.4)
Transactional sexe (n = 18915)
No 17901 (94.6) 10515 (94.6) 5461 (95.4) 1925 (92.8)
Yes 1014 (5.4) 602 (5.4) 263 (4.6) 149 (7.2)


a Asian, Black, Indigenous, and Mix-race

b For Brazil, we considered the number of minimum wages (MW) in the family monthly income: Low < 3 MW; middle 4–10 MW; high > 10 MW (MW in 2018 was 954 BRL = 250 USD, currency from June 2018). For Peru and Mexico, we considered individual monthly income: Low < 3 MW; middle 4–10 MW; high > 10 MW (MW in June 2018 was 850PEN = 265USD [Peru] and 5302MXL = 261USD [Mexico])

c In the coming year

d The HIV Incidence Risk Index for MSM (HIRI-MSM) scale was calculated based on sexual behavior in the previous six months (number of partners, condomless receptive anal intercourse, sex with HIV+ partner and use of stimulants; if ≥10 points, PrEP is recommended); “Unknown” answers scored 0 points in the HIV Incidence Risk for MSM scale.

e During the previous 6 months.