Source citation |
Publication bibliographical information |
Intervention country |
Country where the study took place or the focus of the publication |
Aim/purpose |
Goal or objective of the study, review, or publication |
Methodology |
Methodology of the study, review, or other type publication |
Intervention |
Description of the project, program, or activities that were the focus of the study, review, or other type of publication |
Outcome/findings |
Results, findings, or key insights from the study, review, or other type of publication |
Stakeholders |
Key people, roles, committees, entities, or structures involved in the intervention |
Type of network |
Name of the network as reported by the authors |
Network definition |
Definition of the network as stated by the authors |
Network characteristics |
Key descriptors, elements, and activities of the network |
Network use |
What the network does |
Network purpose |
Why was the network created or what was the overall goal |
Other key findings or data relevant to the review questions |
Potentially relevant or important information not included in another category |