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. 2022 Mar 22;2(3):e0000071. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0000071

Table 4. The use of ITNs among the respondents (N = 403).

Variables Category Frequency (%)
Ever heard about ITN Yes 305 (75.7)
No 98 (24.3)
Source of information about ITN (n = 305) Mass media (TV & radio) 65 (21.3)
Health workers 227 (74.4)
Local leader 13 (4.3)
ITN possessed Yes 257 (63.8)
No 146 (36.2)
ITN per family (n = 257) One 184 (71.6)
Two 39 (15.2)
Three 34 (13.2)
Reason for ITN non-possession (n = 146) Worn-out 64 (43.8)
Not received 82 (56.2)
Duration of ITN utilization (n = 257) 1–2 years 103 (40.1)
>2 years 154 (59.9)
Sleeping under ITN is beneficial Yes 337 (83.6)
No 66 (16.4)
What are the benefits of ITN (n = 337) Protect mosquito bite 292 (86.6)
Comfortable sleep 35 (10.4)
Others 10 (3.0)
ITN used last night (n = 257) Yes 173 (67.3)
No 84 (32.7)
Frequency of ITN use (n = 257) Regularly 73 (28.4)
Malaria season 172 (66.9)
Sometimes 12 (4.7)
Who mostly used ITN in the family (n = 257) Mother and children (<5) 102 (39.7)
Pregnant woman 155 (60.3)
Re-treated ITN with insecticide (n = 257) Yes 67 (26.1)
No 190 (73.9)
If no, what are the reasons (n = 190) Lack of awareness 89 (46.8)
Lack of insecticide 101 (53.2)