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. 2023 Mar 17;23:266. doi: 10.1186/s12913-023-09273-2

Table 1.

Descriptive statistics (2010)

All municipalities Population < 10,000 Population ≥ 10,000 Cohen's d
(n = 1601) (n = 470) (n = 1131)
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
EBSMRs in males
 All causes of death 101.0 (8.7) 101.9 (9.0) 100.6 (8.5) 0.15
 Malignant neoplasms 98.7 (8.8) 99.0 (10.0) 98.5 (8.2) 0.06
 Heart disease 102.1 (16.9) 102.7 (18.6) 101.8 (16.1) 0.05
 Cerebrovascular disease 103.4 (21.0) 103.8 (23.0) 103.3 (20.1) 0.03
EBSMRs in females
 All causes of death 99.6 (9.2) 98.6 (10.7) 100.0 (8.4) -0.15
 Malignant neoplasms 95.6 (9.3) 93.8 (11.4) 96.4 (8.1) -0.28
 Heart disease 101.2 (17.0) 99.6 (19.5) 101.9 (15.9) -0.14
 Cerebrovascular disease 102.9 (22.3) 100.8 (24.8) 103.8 (21.1) -0.14
CDRs in males
 All causes of deatha 3216.4 (960.6) 3975.5 (967.1) 2901.0 (761.0) 1.30
 Malignant neoplasmsa 1014.3 (296.3) 1223.7 (361.7) 927.3 (210.2) 1.12
 Heart diseasea 460.8 (184.2) 563.3 (237.0) 418.1 (136.1) 0.84
 Cerebrovascular diseasea 317.7 (151.6) 391.8 (211.0) 286.9 (104.1) 0.73
CDRs in females
 All causes of deatha 2983.1 (1017.4) 3675.1 (1103.4) 2695.5 (823.7) 1.07
 Malignant neoplasmsa 665.7 (207.1) 770.1 (268.3) 622.3 (156.3) 0.75
 Heart diseasea 551.3 (245.8) 680.2 (318.1) 497.7 (183.7) 0.79
 Cerebrovascular diseasea 354.9 (172.6) 428.7 (227.6) 324.2 (132.1) 0.63
The number of healthcare resources
 PHNsa 43.2 (41.8) 84.8 (55.2) 25.9 (13.5) 1.84
  Full-time PHNsa 41.9 (41.4) 82.7 (55.2) 24.9 (13.4) 1.81
  Part-time PHNsa 1.3 (4.0) 2.1 (6.8) 1.0 (1.8) 0.28
 Physiciansa 144.2 (141.2) 86.0 (66.7) 168.4 (156.2) -0.61
 Medical clinicsa 73.0 (49.1) 87.4 (83.4) 67.0 (20.1) 0.42
 General hospitals in a secondary healthcare areaa 7.2 (3.5) 8.2 (3.7) 6.8 (3.3) 0.41
 Welfare facilities for the elderly requiring long-term carea 9.5 (10.5) 16.6 (16.3) 6.5 (4.1) 1.06
 Population 44,299.2 (57,711.8) 5093.0 (2627.7) 60,591.8 (61,709.6) -1.07

CDR, crude death rate; EBSMR, empirical Bayes estimate of standardized mortality ratio; PHN, public health nurse

a Per 100,000 population