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. 2022 Aug 17;2(8):e0000374. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0000374

Table 3. Main effects.

Attribute Level 1 2
Coefficient 95% CI p-value Coefficient 95% CI p-value
Food Insecurity Skipped 0 meals 1.303 1.114–1.491 <0.001 6.692 5.437–8.236 <0.001
Skipped 1 meal 0.875 0.736–1.013 <0.001 3.414 2.831–4.117 <0.001
Sleep 3–5 hours of sleep 0.0968 0.00774–0.186 <0.05 1.136 1.010–1.278 <0.05
8 hours of sleep 0.335 0.211–0.459 <0.001 1.673 1.420–1.971 <0.001
Income Earned income of Ush 100,000 in last month 0.807 0.719–0.896 <0.001 3.314 3.034–3.619 <0.001
Earned income of Ush 200,000 in last month 0.993 0.882–1.105 <0.001 4.527 3.950–5.187 <0.001
Pain No pain that makes it difficult to perform daily activities 0.390 0.274–0.505 <0.001 1.785 1.557–2.045 <0.001
R-squared 0.259
Observations 2,560
Number of participants 320
Number of blocks   8

Note: Column 1 shows results from the CA sample analyzed using an OLS regression specification, while column 2 shows results from the CA sample analyzed using an ordered logit specification. All coefficients represent improvements in expected ART adherence (coefficients in ordered logit column represent odds ratios) and are compared to the reference categories (Food Insecurity: Skipped 2 meals, Sleep: 0 hours of sleep; Income: No income; Pain: pain that makes it difficult to perform daily activities). 95% confidence intervals and p-values are shown adjacent to coefficients. Standard errors were clustered at the individual level.