Fig 1. Proportion of participants reporting a COVID-19 test among those reporting test-qualifying symptoms.
Proportion of participants reporting at least one test-qualifying symptom for the first time that logged a COVID-19 swab test -7 to +14 days after the onset of the symptom. Dashed vertical lines indicate the three-week study period (14 November 2020 to 8 December 2020) that was used to define participants eligible for a follow-up survey, i.e. those that reported test-qualifying symptoms for the first time but no swab test were invited to the Zoe Follow-Up Survey. Blue line calculated using data logged by 28 January 2020, red line calculated using data logged by 15 December 2020, which was the dataset used to identify target participants for the survey. The difference shows that some participants recorded test data after selection into the follow-up survey cohort. Grey bars indicate the UK PCR testing capacity, while green bars indicate PCR tests performed.