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. 2023 Mar 17;11(3):e807. doi: 10.1002/iid3.807

Table 2.

Overall summary of literature by vaccine types.

Characteristics mRNA‐1273 BNT162b2
(Moderna) (Pfizer−BioNTech)
Total events 444 17,192
Males 178 8042
Females 193 6102
Unidentified 73 3048
Case management
Colchicine 6 30
NSAIDsa 7 39
Steroidsb 15 38
ACE inhibitors or ARBc 4 8
Beta blockersd 6 13
Anticoagulant & Xa inhibitorse 5 13
Antiplateletf 0 3
Platelet transfusion 4 15
IVIG 10 30
Diureticsg 3 4
Mean time between vaccine and symptom onset (days) 5.6 4.8
Mean length of hospitalization (days) 3.7 6.0
Mortality (n)h 56 228
Laboratory findings (n with highest values)
d‐Dimer level >500 (ng/mL) 5 12
CK‐MB (ng/mL) 0 9
Troponin‐I 8 27
Troponin‐T 5 21
CRP levels >10 mg/L 13 50
ECG findings
ST elevation 16 70
ST depression 1 7
PR depression 7 10
T‐wave abnormality 2 17
Bundle branch block 1 2
Sinus tachycardia 2 9

Abbreviation: ECG, electrocardiogram.


NSAIDs used in treatment include ibuprofen, aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid, ketorolac.


Steroids listed: corticosterone, prednisone, methylprednisolone, dexamethasone.


ARB/ACE inhibitors: lisinopril, ramipril, candesartan.


Beta blockers: bisoprolol, metoprolol, carvedilol.


Anticogulants/Xa inhibitors: rivaroxaban, apixaban, warfarin, enoxaparin, heparin, clexane dabigatran, lovenox.


Antiplateletes: clopidogrel, eptifibatide, ticagrelor.


Diuretics: acetazolamide, furosemide, mineralocorticoid antagonist.


n = 2 vaccine types unspecified.