Figure 2.
Heterologous expression of AaRVE1 accelerated bud break in both greenhouse and field. A, Accelerated bud break of the transgenic plants expressing AaRVE1 (L11, L6) in the greenhouse at the University of Connecticut. Plants were moved into the greenhouse on December 26, 2019. Photos were taken on February 4, 2020 in the greenhouse. Bars = 2 cm. WT: wild-type. B, Accelerated bud break of the transgenic plants expressing AaRVE1 in the greenhouse at the University of Connecticut. Plants were moved into the greenhouse on December 2, 2020. The temperature range in greenhouse was 21°C–23°C under a 16 h light/8 h dark photoperiod. Photos were taken on January 9, 2021 in the greenhouse. Bars = 5 cm. EV: transgenic plants expressing the empty vector. C, Apical buds and middle-upper part of poplar grown in the field. The apical buds of L11 were frozen to death in the winter of 2019. Photos were taken on April 20, 2020. Bars = 1 cm. D, The first buds (counting from the top) of poplar (L6 and EV) grown in the field in the spring of 2021. The upper buds and stems of L11 were frozen to death in the winter of 2020. Photos were taken on April 20, 2021. Bars = 1 cm. EV: transgenic plants expressing the EV. L6: transgenic plants expressing AaRVE1. EV, n = 4; L6, n = 3. E, The average length of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd shoots (counting from the top) formed on the plants grown in the field in the spring of 2021. Photos were taken on May 6, 2021. Bars = 1 cm. EV, n = 4; L6, n = 3. All the data in this figure are presented as mean ± Sd. All the statistical significance in this figure was determined using two-tailed Student's t-test by Microsoft Excel. “*” and “**” indicate a significant difference between transgenic AaRVE1 plants and EV at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively.